Brewing fun with #lovewins

Last year, the SCOTUS decided that love was constitutionally protected, be it between two men or two women just like it always has been between a man and a woman.  And as an ally, I thought that was grerat.  My friend Michelle was finally able to marry her (now) wife, Cindy, and they went to do so on the first day they were legally allowed to in Texas.  To celebrate, I decided to a brew that they both like, and they decided on an Amber Ale.  This is not a style that I’m huely into, but I decided to give it a spin.  But, since I was going to be drinking it too, I decided to dry hop it, and make it a bit spicy (because love is spicy) by adding some Rye and using Nugget and Cluster hops.  Last year, personal stuff came up and Michelle & Cindy were never able to actually try the beer I made for them, but lots of other people did and relly liked it!  So much that Brazen BeXar Brewing, the brewpub-to-be that I am working on, decided to add this to our “Standard” (aka all year) series of beers.

Cindy & Michelle’s love won.

So this year, I was not going to make that beer again without M&C’s participation.  Happily enough, after a few months of wrangling schedules, we were able to get together yesterday and get it made.  So just a few weeks now until #lovewins batch #2 is going to be ready to be consumed!  Woot!

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