My Projects in Progress

I’m going to use this page to keep you up to date on my current projects and projects I am involved in.  I will post bits and pieces here and there, and also probably grovel and beg for your money as a way to help fund said projects!

My Projects:

*I just started writing a new short script with hopes that the person who wrote the original story will be ok with me making it.  Once I finish that one, I plan on writing another short (in case aforementioned person says no!)

*I am actively working on my brewpub-in-planning and you can check it out at!

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Brazen BeXar Brewing

*SEE ABOVE for a more up-to-date entry on this.
I recently re-started brewing beer, with the eventual goal to open a brewpub here in San Antonio.  My very cheesy website is HERE and the Facebook page (updated more often) is HERE.  My ‘Murica (American Pale Ale) recently took 3rd out of 29 entries in a very loose competition judged by Eric Warner, brewmaster at Karbach Brewing.

HMH Scientific Logo Smaller

*Still looking for distribution for DEFECTIVE MAN!. I’ve received a bunch of nice rejection letters about how it’s a good movie but there is very little market for it, or that it’s a good movie but the sound quality’s not good enough. In the mean time I have had a few more reviews, mostly good one not so good, and am working on continuing to build exposure for it.

* CLUSTER ( was shot in Jan 2013, and is now in the process of getting reviews and festival play.  It is a visual metaphor, a horror-art film, and it is looking for reviews! It premiered at the Oshkosh Horror Film Festival in October 2013, and played at the FANtastic Horror Film Festival 2014 in San Diego (where Roger Garcia – The Pain – was nominated for Best Actor).  Here’s an image for you:

The Pain sees you!
The Pain sees you!

Here is the poster, as created by Greg Freeland II

CLUSTER (2013)
CLUSTER (2013)


Here is the preview!

And here’s the whole damn thing if you want to watch it!  Feedback is always appreciated, especially on IMDb (

*Also working on a couple of other scripts as time and creativity allows, and my giallo that I’ve been kicking around in my head for years.

Projects I’m Involved With:

*Billy Garberina‘s I HEART U, a serial killer romantic comedy of sorts. This one is directed by Billy, written by Devin O’Leary, and starring Billy and Raine Brown, as well as being backed by a host of Albuquerque regulars. I had a cameo as “FBI Agent,” as well as designing – with Raine – the poster for the pre-distro version (below).  The movie has been picked up for distribution now and has a much better poster! I’m really looking forward to seeing this one, as the script was a lot of fun, and it has a lot of good talent both in front of and behind the camera.

The poster I designed for I HEART U, copyright RaineY Daze Creations and C.R. Productions


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